Devil is the spirit of EVILNESS. Angel is the spirit of HOLINESS. Devil Angel: Some Updates About Me...

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Some Updates About Me...

Hey guys.. its been long time i havent update something about me dho....

Hehehe By the way i am in a relationship this month 10th...

Kinda i am really suprised about this relationship...

Cause i gave him an answer so soon when he proposed me...

Anyways i hope this relationship last forever...

Please friends ...Just give me some comments that how i can build this relationship strong....

So pals.. I am leavin hoping that you guys give some comments...

Catch Ya later.. Taata bi Ummeeexxxxxxxxxxx....


Yan said...

it all depends on trust dear...

đєuиħøłүguy said...

i'll say
nice pic =p

yan'z half rite
it trust does play hell of a big role
bt..hama ekani trust eh noon dho
care nd other stuff wud also be there

so take care devilangel

Devil Angel. said...

ehehe thanx yan and deunholyguy

HRMaster said...

W+O+O+W=WOOW devil..... Thts great to here it from you. May you both of them be in relationship forever.

Devil Angel. said...

thanx hrm...i hope that too...

Anonymous said...

I don't know who you are, but I just want to say that you are AMAZING!!!
I've been reading some of your posts, espcailly poems, which are what I prefer, and some of your images... well, all I can realy say is that your blog RULES and should never be left as it is...
Keep posting!!

Anonymous said...

hi... I'm the same person as above... my blog is


relations are build n simply broken cuz somehow somewhere something is missing, Build ur relation with the most important of all........luv, trust n uderstanding in your relation will show u the path to make it eternal...........hope u go on with ur luv life as the wind,,n,,strong as the mountains.......

Unknown said...

Love begets love,
And feed it, keep feeding,
As a seedling is nursed
To a giant tree!
Celebrity Females

Devil Angel. said...

thanx krishan


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